Wolgan is a resort in the wildernesses that is good for adventurous humans who want to see animals. When I went to wolgan I saw 40-50 kangaroos all together. I also suggest wolgan to people who like relaxation because in wolgan it is very relaxed.
Anyone who goes to Wolgan will have an action-packed week with lots of fun activities. My favorite activities were the archery shooting or the stargazing. I liked archery because it was a great family activity and because my family is competitive me got to see who was the best at archery. The answer was my dad. I liked stargazing because we when out with a professional who knew everything and I learned a ton. We even saw a planet Jupiter! And, if you go stargazing in wolgan you can have as many marshmallows as you want.
Warning to people from anywhere that’s not Australia the marshmallows are different. For example, they melt less and have less sugar. If you are the adventurous one in your family like me then try one of the marshmallows burnt.
My sister’s favorite activity was Wolgan Rangers. She liked it because we got to learn about the wilderness and there were many activities, such as building a shelter and building a fire. You might be wondering what other animals are there well here is your answer. Kangaroos, Wallabies, and Wombats. You might be thinking that they are trained well your thinking is wrong. They are wild animals so don’t to them but you can get close to them. Once I got 5 inches away from a kangaroo. Overall Wolgan was one of my favorite trips ever, and I think my family agrees.
Great review Randev!